Have you looked at your yard and wondered how to fix patchy grass? Recovering a patchy lawn is easier than it seems! Most warm season lawns will spread across bare patches, helping you with your lawn repair process. Here are a few key tips you can start now to revive your lawn and solve your patchy grass.
Now that you’re working to fix your patchy grass, the first step is to remove dead patches. When grass dies the dead blades slowly decompose, leaving patches on your lawn. To help your lawn repair itself and thicken up, rake out as much of this dead grass material as you can to allow the surrounding healthy grass to spread back through the empty patch.
Aerating your grass with a garden fork helps to de-compact your lawn, making it easier for the healthy grass to spread its roots into the bare soil. Aim for around 5 cm deep and wiggle the fork back and forth for the best results.
Removing weeds is crucial in keeping your backyard healthy! Weeds take up space in your lawn, making it harder for your grass to spread and thicken. If you have a smaller lawn, you can remove your weeds by hand, however, for a quicker option we recommend using herbicides specifically designed for the type of weeds you have in your garden.
Now that you’ve removed the weeds from your lawn, it’s time to treat it to some fertiliser. Work out which grass type you have and pick a suitable fertiliser for your backyard. Be careful not to be too heavy-handed though, too much fertiliser can actually cause more harm than good!
Regularly mowing your lawn keeps it on the path to recovery and encourages thicker growth! Say goodbye to patchy grass and watch your lawn thicken up quickly. A thicker lawn will also be better at restricting weed growth and is more resilient to diseases - a win-win situation!
Running out of time to regularly mow your lawn? Check out our range of automated robotic mowers and let them do the hard work for you! Set your lawn up for success and mow every day.